British Aircraft List Index of Aircraft Names
Index of Aircraft Names
Index of Aircraft Names beginning with s
S.24/37, Supermarine
S.31, Short
S.36, Short
S.B.5, Shorts
S.C.1, Shorts
S.E.1, RAF
S.E.4, RAF
S.E.5, RAF
SAH-1, Trago Mills
Salamander, Sopwith
Sarafand, Short
Satellite, Short
Satyr, Miles
Scapa and Stranraer, Supermarine
Scarab and Sheldrake, Supermarine
Schneider and Baby, Sopwith
Schneider and Rainbow, Sopwith
Schneider S Series, Supermarine
Scimitar, Supermarine
Scimitar, Armstrong Whitworth
Scion, Short
Scion Senior, Short
Scooter and Swallow, Sopwith
Scout, Alcock
Scout, Westland
Scout, Bristol
Sea Eagle, Supermarine
Sea Fury, Hawker
Sea Harrier, British Aerospace
Sea Hawk, Hawker
Sea King, Westland
Sea King, Supermarine
Sea Lion, Supermarine
Sea Otter, Supermarine
Sea Vixen, De Havilland
Seafire, Supermarine
Seafox, Fairey
Seagull ASR.I, Supermarine
Seal, Fairey
Seal and Seagull, Supermarine
Sealand, Shorts
Seamew, Supermarine
Seamew, Shorts
Second Monoplane, Blackburn
Seely, Bristol
Segrave, Blackburn
Shackleton, Avro
Shadow, CFM
Shark, Blackburn
Sheriff, Britten
Sherpa, Shorts
Shetland, Short
Shirl, Short
Short 184, Short
Short 330, Short
Short Kent, Short
Shorts 360, Short
Sidecar, Blackburn
Sidestrand, Boulton & Paul
Silver King, Avro
Silver Streak, Short
Singapore, Short
Single Seat Monoplane, Blackburn
Siskin, Armstrong Whitworth
Skeeter, Saro
Skua, Blackburn
Skyvan, Shorts
Snail, Sopwith
Snapper, Sopwith
Snark, Sopwith
Snipe, Sopwith
Sociable, Sopwith
Solent, Short
Sopwith 1/2 Strutter, Sopwith
Sopwith 860, Sopwith
Southampton, Supermarine
Sparrow, Sopwith
Sparrow, Supermarine
Sparrowhawk, Miles
Sparrowhawk, Gloster
Sparrowjet, Miles
Spearfish, Fairey
Speedtwin, Speedtwin
Sperrin, Shorts
Spider, Avro
Spiteful and Seafang, Supermarine
Spitfire, Supermarine
Spitfire, Isaacs
Sporting Type, Short
Sprat, Blackburn
Springbok, Short
Sprite, Practavia
SR.53, Saro
SR.A/1, Saro
ST-10, General Aircraft
ST-11, General Aircraft
ST-12, General Aircraft
ST-25, General Aircraft
ST-3, General Aircraft
ST-4, General Aircraft
ST-6, General Aircraft
Starling, Armstrong Whitworth
Stirling, Short
Streak, Comper
Strikemaster, BAC
Student, Miles
Sturgeon, Short
Sturgeon (biplane), Short
Sunderland, Short
Super 2, ARV
Super Ace, Chrislea
Supermarine NightHawk, Supermarine
Swalesong, Coates
Swallow, B.A.
Swallow Moth, De Havilland
Swan, Supermarine
Swift, Comper
Swift, Supermarine
Swift, Blackburn
Swordfish, Fairey
Sycamore, Bristol
Sydney, Blackburn